Article:Parent-Teacher Conferences: Suggestions for Parents

Parent-Teacher Conferences: Suggestions for Parents


This article was about the importance of Parent-Teacher conferences and it gave suggestions to parents on about how to go about establishing communication. It suggested that Parents use conference times to address any concerns they may have about their child and gave some strategies on how to address learning problems. The article also gave tips on how to understand what is causing bad behavior and suggested making a plan to improve the child’s behavior. For those who may have no concerns there are a list of questions that they may want to ask at a conference.

Overall I felt the article was very informative and useful for parents. Parent-teacher conferences do not always have to be about bad behavior it can be about getting to know how your child is adjusting and also offers parents the opportunity to give teachers insight into their child. The article could also be useful to teacher, by giving them an understanding about what concerns parents may have. I definitely agree that open communication is a key part of a child’s educational success and parents and teacher are responsible for making an effort. Even if there isn’t a problem with a child a conference is still needed in order to keep everybody on board for that child’s education and development. Since parents know their child the best, it gives the teacher the opportunity to learn from the parent about their child.